Hello all let me tell you what’s going on.
Some students have been following this blog as part of a class assignment. Let me make it a bit more trippy. Now as a student I’m going to post thoughts as part of assignments for a class I’m taking. But don’t fear. The assignments will be in line with what we are talking about and will be beneficial to your music career.
As we have discussed in class, the music business is experiencing an odd mix of growth and recession. Recession has hit the big business part of our world, but we have seen unprecedented growth in the independent music avenues. This impact has caused a shift of tectonic proportions.
The leader of this shift is social media. Social media is not brand new, but has become more evident in it’s power. From the early days of television and film, many artists have started a buzz by performing or attaching to a film. Not surprising was that same alliance with the social media avenues. Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube, have all helped promote artists and their work. Now we see a reliance of these media types like never before. Artists are debuting their songs and accompanying videos through these social medias. No longer do fans rush to the music store to see what has come out. Now fans instantly link to an iTunes account and download the song.
This is probably nothing new to most of you. If you aren’t aware of these changes then it’s time to crawl out from under the rock and get with the program. Many complain about their favorite social media and bemoan the failed or dinosaurs of the social media world (MySpace), but the truth are we have to embrace all of the medias. It’s important to stay competitive, but more importantly it’s important to understand the potential fans. All of these avenues create the new business model for the up and coming band.
How do we leverage this and create a “buzz”? Well you’ll just have to keep logging in during the week to see how it’s done.
As we have discussed in class the music business is experiencing an odd mix of growth and recession. Recession has hit the big business part of our world, but we have seen unprecedented growth in the independent music avenues. This impact has caused a shift of tectonic proportions.
Prof. T